Command line utilities
A successful installation of Taichi should add a CLI (Command-Line
Interface) to your system, which is helpful to perform several rountine
tasks quickly. To invoke the CLI, please run ti
python3 -m taichi
Taichi provides a set of bundled examples. You could run ti example -h
to print the help message and get a list of available example names.
For instance, to run the basic fractal
example, try: ti example fractal
from your shell. (ti example
should also work)
You may print the source code of example by running
ti example -p fractal
, or ti example -P fractal
for print with
syntax highlight.
You may also save the example to current work directory by running
ti example -s fractal
Sometimes it's convenient to view the changelog of the current version
of Taichi. To do so, you could run ti changelog
in your shell.
REPL Shellâ
Sometimes it's convenient to start a Python shell with
import taichi as ti
as a pre-loaded module for fast testing and
confirmation. To do so from your shell, you could run ti repl
System informationâ
When you try to report potential bugs in an issue, please consider
running ti diagnose
and offer its output as an attachment. This could
help maintainers to learn more about the context and the system
information of your environment to make the debugging process more
efficient and solve your issue more easily.
Before posting it, please review and make sure there's no sensitive information about your data or yourself gets carried in.
Converting PNGs to videoâ
Sometimes it's convenient to convert a series of png
files into a
single video when showing your result to others.
For example, suppose you have 000000.png
, 000001.png
, ... generated
according to Export your results in the
current working directory.
Then you could run ti video
to create a file video.mp4
all these images as frames (sorted by file name).
Use ti video -f40
for creating a video with 40 FPS.
Converting video to GIFâ
Sometimes we need gif
images in order to post the result on forums.
To do so, you could run ti gif -i video.mp4
, where video.mp4
is the
video (generated with instructions above).
Use ti gif -i video.mp4 -f40
for creating a GIF with 40 FPS.